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The miscegenation of Jazz is called ‘Azzband

Diario de Burgos


Its stylistic journey is wide and plays with jazz, tarantella, flamenco, murga, waltz, Argentinian tango, Uruguayan candombe, Venezuelan rhythms and even Balkan music .... The album presents some contrasts and leads from very sweet and gentle melodies to festive music with a circus flavour

World Music


This multi-instrumental band has excellent performance quality and solidity in its compositions.




“Sueños y Colores (2012)” is an honest record, live, warm, and you 

can enjoy the cultural and musical variety as well as the artistic richness and quality of the members of ‘Azzband

Hystericas Grabaciones


The versatility of this cosmopolitan band is not only displayed in making a journey through intercontinental traditional genres, contemporary and folk. It’s  also shown in an open musical performance and especially the incorporation of generous and resourceful percussion work...

El Norte de Castilla

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